October 18 - October 22 Week 36/72
nearby, early morning duck hunters
shatter the quiet and the confidence
of a string of strutting wood ducks
chickadee chatter abruptly ceases
visiting geese huddle closer in a cove
seizing on this frozen moment in time
a spider deftly drops on an invisible thread
grabbing a grasshopper that has paused
in the aftershock just a bit too long
the warm, orange light of late afternoon
provides companionship and comfort
soft buzzing of the few remaining bees
drifts softly through the air as they
visit clusters of small aster blooms
clouds of golden-yellow linden leaf confetti
spiral to the ground adding splashes of color
to the dark, damp soil as a reflection of the sky
floats in the lake accompanied by the crescent moon
I honestly think this might be my favorite set so far. Waynno has been on such a similar aesthetic trail to you this week, it startles me. He photographed the moon on a smooth ocean. Just amazing. Your Earth is no longer the same visual that ours is. The witch hazel was leafless at least several weeks ago. I harvested the last of the giant butternuts last weekend--more than two feet long! We have more acorns than we have had in the last three years combined! I don't know what it is. I haven't heard any lawnmowers this year either. The drought has been severe. We watered every day. I am planting Labrador violets (a beautiful, walkable, edible groundcover) absolutely…