Balance is essential to all life. Although the 7 Chakras are generally thought of as the main energy centers of the human body, I believe they apply to all beings. It is only when the 7 Chakras are completely open and balanced that a harmonious union of the spirit, mind, and being can be achieved and that we can live a balanced life within our selves and with others.
Here is a quick guide to how I have utilized the chakras to organize my website. Enjoy exploring!
root (Muladhara) - place: phenology, 72 seasons
sacral (Svadhishthana) - portfolios: installations, sculpture, photography
solar plexus (Manipura) - I10: A framework for problem solving and breaking inertia
heart (Anahata) - links: favorite websites, journals, etc.
throat (Vishuddha) - blog
third eye (Ajna) - flow: labyrinths, 8 fold path
crown (Sahastrara) - systems: systems thinking and biodiversity
"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." -Albert Einstein
Email me directly with thoughts or questions