solar plexus chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego. The third chakra is the center of willpower. The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and mover forward in your life.
Below, you will find information on a I10, which is a framework that I developed as part of my doctoral studies that is a powerful tool to help with problem-solving and breaking inertia.
I10 Framework
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Let the I10 framework help you make your vision become a reality!

To begin engagement with the I10 framework, it is best to start at the center(indicators & idealism)and work your way towards the outer ring(impart). It is important to realize that all ten components are permeable and are all influenced by each other. As you move from section to section, you may need to go back and revisit previous sections and revise the expected outcomes and impacts.
Personally, I have engaged with the I10 Framework hundreds of times for everything from small tasks to rather large and life-changing decisions. I hope you find this tool useful and that it enriches your life experience. It is important to remember that not all change is good or productive and so enter the process with care and open eyes.
❏ What is indicating that there is a need for change?
❏ What would the ideal solution or vision look like?
❏ How can interest be sparked and maintained?
❏ Are all participants willing to engage and be supportive? I
❏ Is each person’s strength being honored and utilized?
❏ Are the needs of all beings being honored and addressed?
❏ What questions exist and what needs to be learned?
❏ What has been learned and what influence has this had?
❏ Are there any existing fears or inhibitions?
❏ If so, how can they be overcome in order to create a safe and inviting atmosphere?
❏ What new practices, changes and ideas are emerging?
❏ Do further revisions need to be made to the solution/vision?
❏ Who and what will be impacted?
❏ Are the views, concerns, needs and knowledge of those being impacted being considered and honored?
❏ Do other disciplines need to be integrated?
❏ If so, how can they be listened to and given a voice?
❏ Can the emerging solutions/visions be enriched by engaging in conversations with other individuals and/or groups?
❏ How can an open line of communication best be established?
❏ Should the resulting solution or vision be shared?
❏ If so, how can it most effectively be shared?
“If we haven’t specified where we want to go, it is hard to set our compass, to muster enthusiasm, or to measure progress. But vision is not only missing almost entirely from policy discussions; it is missing from our culture. We talk easily and endlessly about our frustrations, doubts, and complaints, but we speak only rarely, and sometimes with embarrassment, about our dreams and values.”–“Envisioning a Sustainable World”
Feb 12, 1996- Donella Meadows